Governor Brewer Launches Improved "Arizona Ready Education Report Card"

Press Release

Date: Sept. 10, 2014
Location: Phoenix, AZ

Governor Jan Brewer today launched an improved version of the "Arizona Ready
Education Report Card," an online data tool available to the public to monitor the state's progress in reaching its education goals.

"In order to make meaningful improvement to education, we need to know how our students have performed in the past, how they have progressed and where they currently stand," said Governor Brewer. "The new Report Card effectively shows where Arizona students are succeeding and progressing, and also where student achievement and performance are lacking. This is a powerful tool to help ensure our children are equipped for success in our competitive and demanding workforce."

The Arizona Ready Report Card tracks the state's progress in five areas: third grade reading, eighth grade mathematics, high school graduation, associate's degrees and certificates, and bachelor's degrees. By providing transparent data on our educational goals, successes and shortfalls, parents have access to a clearer picture of what is happening in Arizona's education system, both statewide and locally. This will help
spark questions, spur conversation, and foster action to improve results for Arizona's students.

A review of the data indicates that, while there is much work to be done, Arizona has made improvements in vital education areas. For example, the number of third grade students falling far below the statewide reading standards has decreased by 52 percent since 2010. These improvements have been accelerated largely by key education reforms Governor Brewer has championed, including: grading schools
based on the academic progress of their students using an A-F letter grade system; requiring 3rd graders to read at or near grade level before advancing to the 4th grade; expanding school choice; and more rigorous teacher evaluations that include quantitative measures of students' academic progress.

Though a significant amount of progress has been made in terms of education reform, there is much yet to come. The upcoming administration of a new assessment aligned to Arizona's College and Career Ready Standards, as well as a continued focus on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) education, will provide new ways of learning and help ensure students are well-equipped for higher education and a competitive workforce.
